Prolapse Risk After a Hysterectomy - What does the Research Say on Who is actually at risk?
Hint.... it's not everyone! Yet, the belief that a hysterectomy puts all women at risk of a prolapse prevails and causes women to reduce activity after surgery for longer than necessary and even never go back to activities they love.
In this video we look at what the actual research says on the risks of prolapse after a hysterectomy, including the percentage statistics and how they change with duration since hysterectomy. We look at who is actually more at risk (obvious when you know), what you can do about it and if you're risk is low to none, hopefully this gives you the confidence to move your body and go back to the things you love...including weight training, running, horse riding, bungee jumping etc.... Yes... you can do all those things after a hysterectomy as long as your prolapse risk is low or managed.